A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

Once there was a kid that found a cockroach. He wanted to play with that roach or...shall I say murder it! But alas , this  cockroach had only one thing on her mind.TO PROCREATE!

All the levels are tested and playable!

Have fun!

If you use an android phone or a  touch screen you can select mobile mode from settings to add mobile inputs! It was meant for a webgl build but that did not work :(                                         -I dont know if android and linux versions work well!

Made for SpeedJam #5

About theme implementation : 

In this game you don't really lose. Instead you ascend to ghost form which you can still reach your destination. Your score will be affected by that by 50%! ( Endless mode is an exception )

normal walktouch/click screen
walk in ghost formWASD


roachfestation_android.apk 110 MB
Roachfestation_linux.zip 87 MB
Roachfestation_win.zip 83 MB

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